Part 1. Describe the Position
(1) Job Purpose: One-sentence description of the overall purpose/mission of the job; the rationale of why the job exists and how it contributes to the company.
(2) Goals and Objectives: Several bullet points for setting performance objectives.
A) List the essential functions and major activities in order of their importance.
-Deliver on assigned sales targets
-Promote products in the design institute, contractor, and end user
-Identify market opportunities and establish new customers to drive sales in assigned region
-Identify, develop and manage area distributor channel.
-Identify and anticipate the requirements, expectations and needs of customers. Serve as focal point of contact between business and customer
-Provide customers updated information and related reports on the project status
-Other matters assigned by the supervisor.
1. 完成个人的市场销售目标;
2. 向设计院,承包商或终端用户营销公司产品;
3. 抓住市场机会,获得新客户,以提高销售业绩。
4. 开发新的分销渠道,建立并不断完善销售网络,协助销售经理完成渠道战略目标;
5. 了解客户的潜在需求,并做及时处理和跟踪;的有效协调内外部资源以达成销售目标;
6. 准时提交更新客户信息和项目进展情况相关报告。
7. 销售经理分配的其他工作。
Part 2. Describe the Person
A) Minimum professional and educational background desired (include years of experience).
(1) Key technical skills and knowledge.
(2) Performance Measures/ KPIs
-Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Fluid Technology.
-3-5 years experience in sales of mechanical and electrical products in China
-Proficient in English and Mandarin
-Self-motivated, goal-oriented, strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Down to earth and is willing to do the mining sales job.
1. 本科及以上学历,环境工程、机械或流体技术相关专业
2. 三至五年机械电子产品行业相关销售经验
3. 精通英语和普通话
4. 积极主动,目标导向,具有良好的沟通及人际交往能力
5. 脚踏实地,愿意做采矿业销售工作
B) Describe the most important Leadership competencies required of the individual. (5-8 competencies from VBLD, TOP 3 are mandatory competencies)
(1) Include the competencies identified for the position that differentiate superior performance.
(2) Job fit highlight: the factors within the job that certain employees may find particularly satisfying or dissatisfying. Such as, heavy volume of paper work, travel into dangerous countries, opportunities to work with all kinds of people.
1. Team work
2. Moral & Honesty
3. Applicability
4. Learning Ability
5. Initiative
6. Customer Service Coordination &Communication Responsibility
7. Change Management
8. Programming Ability
9. Communication Skill
10. Planning & Layout
11. Personal Leader
12. Persuading Ability
13. Creative Ability
14. Pressure Bearing Ability
15. Organizing Ability.
1. 团队合作
2. 诚实守信
3. 适应能力强
4. 学习能力
5. 积极主动
6. 客户服务协调、通信责任
7. 变革管理
8. 规划能力
9. 交流沟通技能
10. 规划布局
11. 领导力
12. 劝说能力
13. 创造力
14. 抗压能力
15. 组织能力
C) Career Pathways: identify the classification/s that might be next career opportunity for employees in the classification.
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1) 为中国市政基础设施建设提供水与污水处理,排水,过滤消毒等世界领先技术解决方案
a) 为首都处理量最大的再生水厂——北京高碑店再生水厂提供污水泵送系统及生物曝气装置
b) 承接北京中心城区33座泵站升级改造项目,助力北京城区排水能力增加一倍
c) 上海临江水厂、广州猎德污水处理厂、天津纪庄子改建项目、沥滘污水处理厂等
d) 北京水源十厂,这是北京首个使用WEDECO臭氧系统的项目。另有南京龙潭水厂,苏州星港街水厂,重庆千层岩水厂,杭州滨江水厂,绍兴萍水江水厂等
2) 为工业生产提供工业废水处理高效解决方案
a) 石油化工领域: 扬子石化,金山石化 ,齐鲁石化
b) 煤化工领域:宁煤煤化工水处理项目,这是臭氧发生器在中国的最大订单
3) 推动新型城镇化建设,为住宅、商业楼宇和生产工厂提供高效节能的供水、暖通空调、消防系统以及排水解决方案,很好的诠释低碳环保型城市的理念
a) 为北京地铁10号线、14号线,宁波地铁1号线,南京地铁3号线,虹桥交通枢纽等提供暖通空调系统
b) 为CCTV大厦,上海世博园中国馆,上海中心大厦等知名商业楼宇提供HAVC空调系统及中水回用系统
c) 为北京顺义奥林匹克水上公园激流赛道提供造浪泵送解决方案,被誉为奥运史上难度最高的激流赛道
d) 为中海油多个海上平台提供消防系统,取水装备
e) 为食品饮料行业例如牛奶加工、碳酸饮料的工厂提供转子泵、糖浆泵等产品
f) 在轻工业领域,为奇瑞捷豹路虎常熟新工厂,上海通用汽车,昆山三星工厂,西安华为等大项目提供解决方案
4) 为中国的水资源保护、水环境改善提供世界领先的监控、分析、测试设备及解决方案
a) 为奥林匹克水上公园全长达2.7千米,水域总面积达16.5万平方米的龙形水系提供水质监测系统,护航北京奥运
b) 多地区水质监测:浙江、江西、四川地表水水质自动监测系统,辽宁省地表水水质项目
c) 河流改造:重庆中小河流改造项目,广西中小河流改造项目,广西中小河流改造项目,湖南中小河流改造项目,贵州中小河流改造项目
d) 环境监测项目:秦皇岛环境监测系统,江苏省环境监测项目